Hello to all our Clients,
The end of the financial year
The end of the financial year is on the 31st March.
There are still a number of clients who have not yet returned their signed tax returns/documents to us.
Please get these back to us ASAP so we can get them filed with the IRD by the 31 March deadline.
We still have time to file them to avoid late penalties and interest being charged as the IRD are allowing a little extra grace time due to the weather conditions.
But you need to act now – rush them to us ASAP.
The new financial year on the 1st April 2023
Early Birds
Some of our Clients are early birds and like to get their records to us for the new financial year straight after the 31st March 2023.
The 2023 questionnaire which needs to accompany your records, has been prepared on our website.
You can choose to print it out the questionnaire, manually complete it and bring it in with your records or you can fill it out online and send to us.