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Hello to all our Clients,


This update concerns changes to the payment of invoices by Clients to KTS.

We wish to thank all of our Clients who pay their invoices to KTS promptly – it is very much appreciated.

Below are the changes to the payment information:

New bank Account Number for KTS payments

KTS has changed banks from Westpac to the BNZ, which means that we now have a different Bank Account number for Clients to use to pay invoices.

If you use desk top banking, you will need to go into your banking app, go to ‘Payees’ , find KTS Chartered accountants and change the details to the new bank account number.

The new bank account number is:


Online payments on the KTS website – ‘PAY NOW’

On the KTS website we have a PAY NOW’ facility which Clients can use to pay KTS.
Due to the change of bank, the PAY NOW facility has been updated and new services have been added.
There is now an option to pay by credit card, direct debit from your bank account, and by Internet banking as an online transfer.
Simply click on PAY NOW enter your invoice number and the amount of the invoice and continue to view the payment options.

Payment Options available

Credit Card
Click on credit card and a credit card request comes up – fill in the details and click PAY NOW.

Debit Card
This is a new option which enables you to set up a direct debit with your bank.
Click on direct debit card and a debit card request comes up – fill in the details and click PAY NOW.

Internet Banking on-line transfer
This is simply details of  the KTS Bank account number.

Card user charges

For many years we have not on-charged card fees, however due to the rising costs of card use, we are reluctantly now having to pass on card fees to our Clients.

The credit and/or debit card fee will be automatically added to your invoice amount.

The cheapest way of paying your invoice to KTS is by Internet banking as an online transfer.
Check out the PAY NOW options